Snorkel Adventure

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Once again we have been having wifi problems. Danny has now installed a contraption that will hopefully help.  By this weekend, this marina will be completely full.  Cruisers are coming in from all over because here we are below the hurricane belt, and the more people there are in the marina – using wifi, the worse the service becomes.

On Tuesday, it rained most of the day so we used it as a laundry and cleaning day. Ashley hurt her back so she needed to rest it, and the rest of the creatures set out on an adventure with the dinghy.

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That night Danny and I went on a much needed date.  We walked through the jungle to a little restaurant on the beach called Punta Lava.


The view from there is amazing, and the food was fantastic. We enjoyed virgin pina coladas and watched the sun set.

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Yesterday morning we decided to take the creatures on a fun snorkel adventure to an island across the way. Ashley’s back was still hurting and I knew if she got in the water and moved around, it would help.

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We set off under blue skies, which are rare these days, and made our way past Bocas and then on to the greatest little snorkel DSC_0008    DSC_0010

spot called The Blue Coconut.  We dropped anchor and the creatures and I jumped in and explored for a couple hours.

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Emma was so excited because there were tons of starfish.  We also saw many jellyfish.

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We had so much fun, and at one point I asked Ashley how her back was and she’d forgotten that it had previously hurt 🙂

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We swam out all the way to the restaurant, and then tried radioing Danny at the boat to come join us for lunch, but he didn’t have the radio on. There was a boat full of older women just leaving and they gave me a ride back to Tanda Malaika.  As they passed her I dove out and woke Danny up from his nap and we rode the dinghy back to the creatures for lunch.

Our meal was delicious.  What a great treat for everyone.  My fish and chips were so good!

After that we got back in the water and snorkeled around the Blue Coconuts area and then swam all the way back to the boat while Jonathan and Danny rode the dinghy back.

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What a wonderful day in the water!

2 thoughts on “Snorkel Adventure

    linda govatos said:
    June 25, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    So thrilled that Adventures is back up today! Looks like you’re all still having a great time. Does Dan have any flights coming up? Loved all the pictures!!


      belindagovatos responded:
      June 26, 2015 at 1:52 am

      He might be flying in a few days. It’d be a month long trip.


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