Our Island

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We have found our favorite spot and haven’t wanted to move from it. Green Cay has a gorgeous white beach with tons of shells for Mommy and Bernadine to stock up on, the most beautiful reefs surround it to explore on snorkel and scuba, and the anchor has a beautiful firm hold.


Jude might as well join a circus at this point because she can climb the entire jib like a little monkey.


Danny pulled people around on a tube behind the dinghy for a while and Mommy really impressed us. He took her for a pretty wild ride and she stayed on and loved it!

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In fact, the really funny thing is that he tried hard to send everyone flying off the tube but the only one that went flying was him. Danny, Emma and I were in the dinghy pulling Jonathan, and after a crazy fast slide to the right, Danny turned to the left to swing Jonathan the other direction and it caused a slack in the line and when it pulled tight, a wave came up from behind Danny and sent him flying out of the dinghy. It was the funniest sight ever. Later we lay on the trampoline laughing about it and all decided that for our family, all time has stopped and and begun again with Danny’s fall and will be now know as BF and AF. Before the fall and after the fall. So right now we are about 19 hours AF.

We’ve all spent quite a bit of time exploring the reef, and every time return to the boat with exciting things to share with the family. Danny and I snorkeled and found a gorgeous section that we later went back and explored on scuba.

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We also found an exceptionally healthy crop of fire coral.

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We took the dinghy to the windward side of the island since it was so calm, and found some gorgeous little coves and places for the creatures to cliff jump.

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I even got my Mom on scuba. She stayed on the surface and did really well for her first time.

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We had a wonderful last day together and now have more beautiful memories tucked away with stories to share with future generations.

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What a wonderful life, in a beautiful world.





4 thoughts on “Our Island

    zoannkeck said:
    March 15, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    So.. how do you know if the waters are safe? And did you even see people on this island?

    Liked by 1 person

      belindagovatos responded:
      March 15, 2016 at 4:15 pm

      The water is so clear you can see all around you. These islands are completely uninhabited.

      Liked by 1 person

        zoannkeck said:
        March 30, 2016 at 2:55 am

        I want to come


    zoannkeck said:
    March 15, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    And danny!! Bahahahahajaha

    Liked by 1 person

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