Month: April 2021

Freeport to Florida

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The sail from Bahamas to Florida was beautiful, with following seas and enough wind to fill the sails. We all watched the sun dip into the ocean one last time, reflecting on what an amazing weeks it’s been.

Matt and Gina are wonderful people. They have big hearts, adventurous spirits, great humor, and beautiful insight to share. Danny and I will miss spending time with them as we go our separate ways, but will make sure we continue to stay in close contact. Some people you meet become instant family, and they are definitely stuck with us.

Danny took first watch, Matt took second and I took third. Sailing at night is such a peaceful experience – a time I love to use for reflection. There have been many times in the past that I have listened to podcasts while on watch, but this time I just wanted to soak it all in, feel everything and be completely present.

When the morning light lay out across the ocean and reflected in the clouds, I felt incredible peace and a closeness with my sweet brother that I miss so much. I’m so grateful for moments like these.

Looking aft, I watched the suns rays reach upward through clouds from the tranquil ocean. Life is filled with incredible beauty, and each experience in nature is a priceless gift. Rumi once said, “There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again.” The ocean is sacred ground to me where I kneel in awe, where everything makes sense and fills me with overwhelming peace. It is home to me.

Mid morning we reached our destination, making our way through open bridges, filling up at the fuel dock, then tying up back at the charter company.

We unloaded Mintaka, bidding her farewell and feeling gratitude for her shelter. She has been mother to us this week – keeping us safe and carrying us across the waters.

Danny and I will return to Utah now, where I will continue to study like a crazy and prepare for SkyWest Flight Attendant training which starts in four days. On to the next adventure!