Day: April 11, 2017

San Cristobal to Santa Cruz, Galapagos

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It’s always interesting to see what the process of acquiring diesel will be in each area.

In San Cristobal, it was delivered to the boat in 20 gallon containers so we had to siphon it into our tanks. Danny taught the creatures how to use a shaker siphon and they took turns getting the job done.

We set sail for Santa Cruz around 10am on Sunday, and motored the entire way due to no wind. Beautiful calm seas surrounded us, often looking like glass.

We passed by a small, uninhabited island which looked sleepy out across the water.

Things were looking pretty sleepy on Tanda Malaika too! Aidan gently swayed back and forth in the hammock – fast asleep without a care in the world.

As the sun lowered in the sky, Santa Cruise was off the starboard bow, and I wondered what fantastic creatures and adventures awaited us.

The anchorage looked full and friendly, and the town of Ayora looked much like San Cristobal.

I dove down as we set anchor to see if we had hooked well and found that we were on a rock bed and weren’t hooked at all, so we moved to a sand patch and grabbed well onto that. We love our 88lb Rochna anchor. The creatures jumped in to cool off and stopped at the boat next door while en route to Zatara and struck up a conversation from the water. The sailing community is such a friendly one.

I rang the bell for dinner and called over to Zatara for the creatures to return for dinner, and the sun set beautifully over the anchorage.

On Monday morning we meandered through town,

and Aidan was excited to find a place to skateboard.

The streets were filled with the usual markets,

and the cutest cars!

You can probably guess what we were looking for…ice cream! We found the jackpot, nice tall soft serve cones for $1. I tried the berry and coconut and it was delicious. Mycah enjoyed hers too.

She also tried out the salt covered green mango, and they were delicious.
The full moon rose at the same time the sun set, and the scene off the bow was so picturesque.

We gathered on the trampoline and enjoyed the cool breeze, which feels so relaxing and peaceful after a hot day. Renee and Kate visited with us, and it’s always fun to have them over.

Mycah cooked Armenian meatballs on the grill for dinner, and they were incredibly delicious.

Right before bed I took one last peek outside to say goodnight to the full moon, and was once again struck by the beauty I found there. What an incredible world.