Day: December 22, 2016

San Blas

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Having the Keck Family here in San Blas with us has been constant fun, entertainment and excitement. We wake up to beautiful views,

loving kids who have missed each other so much,

And all day long new adventures await. We taught Kalin one of the many ways to husk a coconut.

And fishing has been an all day and late into the night affair.

So far, we’ve caught some little bait fish, an eel, a shark, and a puffer fish. Dave worked hard for a long time on the shark, not knowing what was on the hook. He was after little fish and had thin line on, and a 4 ft nurse shark decided to take the bait. I jumped in with my GoPro to photograph it, and pretty soon was surrounded by some of the creatures. Dave was able to gently bring him up to the surface to unhook him so he could swim free once again.

What a beautiful creature. Good job Dave!

Aidan set up his hammock on the davits and caught the puffer fish from there. He began puffing up but after being set free, he deflated and swam down deep once again.

We went in to a Kuna village for some fresh fruit, and the creatures played basketball with the locals.

ZoAnn played volleyball with a group of girls. They loved the attention.

In the village the children are shy but friendly for the most part, the women are quiet and the men are full of smiles and hello’s.

We are constantly bombarded with people trying to sell us Molas and jewelry. They are beautiful, but one can only have so many molas!!!

The woman like to come out to the boat to show us all their goods too.

Kalin was so sweet to spend time showing pictures to some of the children. His Spanish is very good.

I did get to hold a sweet little baby. He didn’t like me very much, especially when I told his dad I was taking him back to Tanda Malaika.

We left the village and returned home to continue fishing and relaxing, and found Danny preparing crab and lobster.

We have an abundance of it!

When we’ve ventured to islands to play, the creatures have entertained us with sand fights and football in the surf. Mycah has met her match!

Jake and Kalin are taking care of her sassy self!

At the end of the day (and in the middle of it too), we get plenty of hammock chill time. It’s a good place for naps.

And works well on land and on board!

Life is good.

We are thoroughly enjoy San Blas. Tyrel will be joining the madness today. He is Dave and ZoAnns son, and is flying in to add more spunk to the party. We are so grateful for this opportunity.