Day: December 27, 2016

Christmas Day in San Blas with the Keck Family

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We spent much of our Christmas anchored in these beautiful surroundings. Tall coconut filled palms, noni trees swollen with fruit, white sandy beaches and clear turquoise water was what surrounded us.

After church, we gathered up a bunch of humanitarian supplies, and met on land to distribute the to the Kuna. Before setting off through the palms to do this, we had a little photo shoot with the creatures…

They were good sports and fun to photograph because of their goofiness.

We even managed to put together a strange little nativity scene!

What a fun group. We have had so much fun with the Keck’s.

The girls have had a blast and a half catching up,

Just like with ZoAnn and I, friendships continue even stronger than before – like no time was ever missed.

Aidan has had a blast having 3 ‘big brothers’ around.

He has been horsing around nonstop.

After playing and cooling off,

We following a sweet little Kuna lady to where her husband was,

We introduced ourselves, gave them all sorts of dental care products, hygiene products and some reading glasses.

They were very appreciative.

Afterward we sang them a Christmas carol,

Took a group photo and continued on.

The path lead us through lush green vegetation to the opposite side of the island.

It felt like we were in Paradise. I guess we were!

Once we reached the opposite side of the island we noticed 3 separate huts but no one was home at the first two.

They were obviously lived in, and we saw a couple Kunas out fishing, but other than that, no one was around.

At the third hut we found the women and children gathered, enjoying the afternoon together.

We gave them gifts, and the children were especially excited.

We continued on through dense foliage, passing some laundry out between trees to dry,

and came across another couple of huts where two older couples live.

They too, were very appreciative for everything. Just like with all the others, we sang a carol and went on our way.

By this time we were all drenched in sweat and went for another dip to cool off.

It was so refreshing!

Even the pickle got into the spirit of it all.

Not long after that we set sail. Fishing lines were instantly out, and everyone kept busy as we caught 3 Cero, 5 tuna and a barracuda.

We had some happy people on Tanda Malaika!

Jude is pretty pro at handling the net!

Each fish aside from the barracuda was quickly filleted and put into the refrigerator.

For dinner we feasted on fresh fish.

Afterward the Creatures played Settlers of catan and we all enjoyed reflecting on the day and chatting together.

We did not exchange one gift among ourselves and it felt so good to give to others who are in need, instead. This is a Christmas Day we will think about and peacefully reflect on it for the rest of our lives.