Missions accomplished

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We’ve been busy little sailors. It’s not always fun and games, but fun and games can be mixed in with hard work.First of all, an important announcement to makes that we found Wilson’s soul mate…her name is Adiddas.

We walked in to Roadtown in search of a grocery store, and came across the most beautiful tree. Since we are all so closely connected, we all stopped and stared and at the same time and exclaimed…’that’s the perfect tree house tree!’ We debated about climbing it, but decided we should stay focused on finding the grocery store. (for now)

When we walked into the air conditioned grocery store we felt like we were in Disneyland! It was a REAL well stocked grocery store with fruit and cheese and everything!!!! It took us a while to gather ourselves together and get over feeling overwhelmed before we could pick up what we needed.

After checking out, the creatures always scramble and gather all the bags or boxes to carry back to the dinghy before I can pick any up. Such Sweethearts – always treating their Mama like a queen.

One of our big projects was to install the new battens. Battens are firm rods or strips usually made from fiberglass (historically from wood), that fit into sleeves in the sail to support the roach of the sail. It gives the sail form and strength. In order to get to ours, Jude and Mycah climbed up into the sail bag to feed the batten in to the sleeve. Aidan raised the sail with our trusty Milwaukee drill.

The slight breeze at anchor caused the sail to lean to starboard to we had to get Emma up there to push the sail back in. Everyone ended up in fits of laughter as she struggled and squeezed and finally made her way up.

She s such a ham.

Once we finally gathered ourselves together we slid the batten in, and then had to cut it to size…Danny was on FaceTime video coaching us as we did it.

Once cut, we tied the batten into place. It’s a good thing we are ninjas at sailing knots.

The batten was now firmly tucked into place and we were ready to install the second one. We must have the most beautiful, capable crew in the world.

We exhausted Emma so she relaxed in the sail bag for a bit afterward.

Our next projects will be installing the new jib sheet cars and possibly the traveler car too. I’m thinking we should hang a sign saying we do sail boat repairs so we can make some money!!!

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