Day: July 1, 2015

Rainy Day

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This morning when we awoke, it was pouring with rain.  I dressed in my exercise clothes, hoping to be able to go for a brisk walk when the rain calmed down. We all sat in the main salon, when one of the kids yelled, ‘dolphins!!!’ I immediately grabbed the GoPro and ran out to the stern where a couple of the creatures had already gathered, and I slipped into the water clothes and all in search of the dolphins.  I saw nothing.  I asked the creatures if they were sure it was a dolphin fin and not a shark fin, and they responded saying ‘yeah, we’re pretty sure…’  I continued to swim out to try see a fin, and finally a bottle nose dolphin surfaced and then dove down again.  The closest I got was within 20 feet of one of them, and then they were off again.

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It continued to rain the entire day.  The water became really muddied from the mangroves, and mother nature washed Tanda Malaika off really well.


The creatures stretched themselves around the main salon and watched Jurassic Park on Netfix, and I decided it was a good opportunity to do some baking.  I made pizza crusts to make into pizzas for dinner tonight, and french breads and peach cobbler.

For about 45 minutes this afternoon it stopped raining, and I strongly encouraged the creatures to go out and enjoy the fresh air while the clouds was not dumping on us.  The all loaded into the dinghy and went for a ride.

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Danny and I worked on an issue we’ve been so frustrated with.  One of the lines that run inside the boom had broken weeks ago, and was still inside the boom.  We hadn’t been able to fish it out.  Today Danny had an epiphany (which I still can’t wrap my head around), and we were able to get it out!! He is so smart at figuring out the impossible.


He also made a video from some of the footage he has shot with his drone, and it turned out so well.  Here’s a link to it on Youtube:

All in all it’s been a productive rainy day in Paradise.

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My Mom sent me a picture of a plaque that was presented to my Dad last night by the Idaho HOG association.  I’m so grateful to these people who have shown him such love and support.
