Day: May 3, 2015

Quiet day

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For most in the family, today began around 6:30am, as creatures and things were loaded into the cars. Danny and Hannah left for LAX to begin their journey toward Tanda Malaika, and the rest of the creatures (excluding Aidan), set out for a long long drive to Idaho…infact they are still driving…

Aidan and I went for about a 4 mile walk. He rode his skateboard and I strolled along admiring the beautiful flowers and insects.

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We live in such an incredibly beautiful world, if we’d just take the time to stop and listen to the sounds of nature and notice her beauties, we’d be able to feel peace more freely. I am so grateful for good eyesight.

Later on this evening Aidan and I went on a date to the Avengers movie.  It was a jolly good show.

Now we will all get some rest and pray that everyone will continue safe in their travels.  Tomorrow morning, Mom and Dad will begin their trip too, and hopefully on Monday Aidan and I will know the verdict on the truck. Patience has never been a strong point for me, so I guess I just need to embrace this down time and learn from it.