Day: May 10, 2015

Land Ho!

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At 4am I received a text from Danny’s phone – not our satellite texting system. It was good to hear that ‘magic in the air’ chime that sounds when he texts me!  His words read, ‘Land Ho!’ He said that they had been in really rough seas and heavy winds, but had been having such an awesome time. They were coming in to the leeward side of Isla de Providencia.  I didn’t hear anything after that for about 6 hours, and then he finally texted asking if he could call. We talked about their journey and how both he and Jude were loving every minute of sailing. He said that some storms were expected so they might need to stay there for a few days, but if a window opened up, they might make a run for Cayman Islands.

A family living on a 45ft Leopard were anchored next to them and they came over to welcome them to the neighborhood and introduce themselves.  They are a family of four who have been cruising for 18 months along with another family and their boat. You’ll never guess where they are headed….Red Frog Beach in Panama, where we live!  Small world.

I spoke with Jude later on and she said her favorite time are night watches.  It’s so peaceful and allows for all sorts of time to think.  She said that quite a bit of spray had been coming up over the boat, and after her shift she went down stairs to sleep for a bit and realized that she hadn’t latched her hatch properly and her entire bed was drenched. She’ll never make that mistake again lol.  It’s a good thing there were dry blankets and 5 other beds she could use.


When I came into the house this morning my Dad was in the kitchen peeling garlic.  Some of the cloves were ginormous! I don’t think I’ve ever seen garlic this huge!!


I spent a short while at the assisted living home.  I love the elderly there.  One little lady in particular seemed to take a liking to me and asked me to wheel her around.  She told me all about herself and said she really loves my hugs and my funny talk.


I then met my dear friend, Gina, for lunch.  It was wonderful to see her. We talked and laughed as if no time had passed at all.  That’s what good friendship is all about.


After that I drove up to Rexburg to my beautiful nieces wedding. What a wonderful couple they are. I love them all so much.


Afterward all the cousins gathered around and started working on a huge puzzle and eating sundaes. Even though these are new cousins to my kids since they are all from Danny’s side of the family, it always feels like we have known them our entire lives. There’s just nothing like family.  I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing family unit.