Day: May 7, 2015

Back in Idaho!

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After 4 disgusting energy drinks and some wasabi almonds, Aidan and I have completed our 1100 mile journey to Idaho.  There’s something about that sharp stab of wasabi up the nasal passages that keeps me awake!

We finally got the rental car at about 3:30 pm yesterday, and hit the hiway. I stopped at a rest area for a couple hours in the night to sleep and then carried on. Aidan is great company.


We discussed many important things, like if he had to choose only two things to eat for the rest of his life, he’d choose oranges and biltong (South African jerky). His favorite chocolate is toblerone, his favorite fruit are guavas and he no longer wants to be a philosopher, but possibly a pilot like his Dad 🙂  (He REALLY loves his Dad)

At one point he said to me, “Mom, you’re my home slice!”  I think that’s a great compliment to me…no one has ever told me that before!


We decided that part of Star Wars was filmed here.


That aliens live here.

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We passed through some beautiful country filled with vineyards and orchards of oranges, cuties and lemons.

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Danny and Jude(Hannah) anchored close to Bocas last night.


They got their legal documents taken care of and by the time that was done it was dark and raining, so they decided to wait and set sail this morning.  They are well provisioned with extra diesel, water cans and food.


Here’s a pic of their trip to the fuel dock to fill cans.

This morning around 7am they began their journey and Danny is estimating that it may take them about 7 – 8 days to reach Tampa. A couple hours in, this was their position as they were passing the last of the Bocas del Toro Islands.  The last land they’ll see for a while.


They had 9 knot winds and were sailing at 6 knots – pretty impressive. A short time later they were headed into a squall and furled the jib. Dolphins were bow riding for a while. Sounds like heaven!

Their view was very different than ours….you know you’re in Idaho when you finally pass this guy, only to end up


behind this one!
