Raise the sails!

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I took my Mom to the cardio doc this morning. All is well. They want to do an ultrasound on her heart just to make sure that everything is structurally sound.

The creatures reassembled Kjira’s bike today. She brought it in a box on the airplane, and between her and her brothers efforts, it’s about ready to ride again.


The Panama crew were finally able to leave Isla de Providencia. After Danny got all cruising permit paperwork completed on the island, they set sail. Both of them were relieved to finally raise the sails and begin their journey.


Shortly after setting sail, Danny told me that they were in 10 ft swells, 15 knots of wind, and they were making 8 knots.

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After a few hours of sailing I received an updated satellite image of their location.


They are doing beautifully and seem to be making good time. If they lose their wind, they may only be able to fly out on Thursday. I plan on beginning my solo drive to LA in the morning just in case.

My sweet Dad is doing well and looking so good this evening. He is so thoughtful – after realizing that us islanders are freezing here in Idaho, he came home with extra blankets today. It is so typical of my parents…always thinking of everyone but themselves. I love them so much.

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